Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Weekly Wikipedia Find: Moral panic

What are moral panics? According to Jones and Jones, it can be defined as "the intensity of feeling expressed by a large number of people about a specific group of people who appear to threaten the social order at a given time." An intensity of feeling. I think I might suffer from that. But a dearth of emotion. It be complicated. But that's neither here nor there.

But if there is to be moral panics, there are certain roles needed to be cast. There is the moral entrepreneur, hocking his wares from here to Delaware. This value salesman feels the encroachment upon his entreprises from an increase in consumer demand brought upon the availability and quality of supplies. This results in the introduction of folk devils, who sneak into the gap left by the inadequacies of the moral marketplace. These folks devils offer new, often foreign-made, values at cheaper prices (The irony is this is purely capitalistic in its promotion of competition).

Wikipedia by Week
Week Forty-Eight: "The Move"
Week Forty-Seven: Cloaca
Week Forty-Six: Ship of fools
Week Forty-Five: Slattery Report
Week Forty-Four: Isolationism
Week Forty-Three: Foxy
Week Forty-Two: Young Woman with Unicorn
Week Forty-One: Cosmicism
Week Forty: Prisoner's dilemma
Week Thirty-Nine: Demimonde
Week Thirty-Eight: Haemophilia in European royalty
Week Thirty-Seven: Library of America
Week Thirty-Six: Honeypot
Week Thirty-Five: Glasgow smile
Week Thirty-Four: Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel
Week Thirty-Three: Mono no aware
Week Thirty-Two: Royal intermarriage
Week Thirty-One: Amputee fetishism
Week Thirty: Turtles all the way down
Week Twenty-Nine: The Diogenes Club
Week Twenty-Eight: E pur si muove!
Week Twenty-Seven: Unico
Week Twenty-Six: Panopticon
Week Twenty-Five: Legendary
Week Twenty-Four: Ostern
Week Twenty-Three: Kilroy was here
Week Twenty-Two: Jack Parsons
Week Twenty-One: The Wold Newton Universe
Week Twenty: Anonymous
Week Nineteen: Monty Hall problem
Week Eighteen: Brown Booby
Week Seventeen: Dieter Dengler
Week Sixteen: New Jerusalem
Week Fifteen: Technological Singularity
Week Fourteen: Numbers Station
Week Thirteen: Culper Ring
Week Twelve: Mary Sue
Week Eleven: Byford dolphin diving bell accident
Week Ten: Deep-sea gigantism
Week Nine: Bloop
Week Eight: Rat king
Week Seven: Gustave Doré
Week Six: Tomorrow
Week Five: Borscht Belt
Week Four: Swampman
Week Three: Chinese room
Week Two: Ambrose Burnside
Week One:
Lolita fashion

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