Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Weekly Wikipedia Find: Brown Booby

So I was Wikipedia-ing Christmas Island as research for a miscellaneous joke video I'm working on, and what should catch my eye but brown booby. Damn, I got excited there for a moment.

But the
Brown Booby it refer to is this:

And not this:

But a man can dream.

That said, these birds do please me aesthetically. Plus, they look delicious. Further factoid: "they are particularly clumsy in takeoffs and landings."

Wikipedia by Week
Week Seventeen: Dieter Dengler
Week Sixteen: New Jerusalem
Week Fifteen: Technological Singularity
Week Fourteen: Numbers Station
Week Thirteen: Culper Ring
Week Twelve: Mary Sue
Week Eleven: Byford dolphin diving bell accident
Week Ten: Deep-sea gigantism
Week Nine: Bloop
Week Eight: Rat king
Week Seven: Gustave Doré
Week Six: Tomorrow
Week Five: Borscht Belt
Week Four: Swampman
Week Three: Chinese room
Week Two: Ambrose Burnside
Week One:
Lolita fashion

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