Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Weekly Wikipedia Find: Swampman

Certainly had no intention of doubling up weeks on thought experiments, but then again here we are.

Thought Problem! Thought Problem! Thought Problem!

Donald Davidson introduced the Swampman as philosophical thought experiment in 1987. In Davidson's paper he describes himself on a hike, in the third person. He is killed by lightning. Simultaneously, another bolt of lightning nearby rearranges molecules upon contact, spontaneously and coincidentally, to form the same form as Davidson's body upon the moment of his death. This new Davidson, dubbed Swampman, thinks and acts as Davidson would, is structurally identical, and walks out of the swamp as Davidson memories, friends, family, life intact.

In spite of everything, Swampman is not Davidson. When he meets an old friend, and there is an air of recognition, but it will be impossible for an actual recognition. Recognition can not occur without first there being cognition. Swampman has never actually met these friends of Davidson before, so this if the first time. Essentially always. For Swampman has no proper state of reference. All is incoherence.

All of this ties into semantic externalism.

Wikipedia by Week
Week Three: Chinese room
Week Two: Ambrose Burnside
Week One:
Lolita fashion

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