Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Weekly Wikipedia Find: Turtles all the way down

Now I often hear you saying, "Justin, how did it all start? Where did we come from? What's the meaning of it all?" And I always say, "Well there was this big bang, and space and time and everything else sort of expanded out of that.

But then you respond, "Yeah, I know but what was there before that." At which point, I respond "There was nothing before that."

And that before I forget, an addendum, "Well, there was the Great Turtle."

"The Great Turtle?" They respond to my response to their response to my original response to their question. "What's that?"

"Why you've never heard of the Great Turtle?" I ask derisively. "What do you think is holding up the world?! It's the Great Turtle, silly."

"Ohhhhh." They respond in epiphany. "But what holds up the Great Turtle?"

"Are you daft, brother?" I exclaim, "It's turtles all the way down."

Wikipedia by Week
Week Twenty-Nine: The Diogenes Club
Week Twenty-Eight: E pur si muove!
Week Twenty-Seven: Unico
Week Twenty-Six: Panopticon
Week Twenty-Five: Legendary
Week Twenty-Four: Ostern
Week Twenty-Three: Kilroy was here
Week Twenty-Two: Jack Parsons
Week Twenty-One: The Wold Newton Universe
Week Twenty: Anonymous
Week Nineteen: Monty Hall problem
Week Eighteen: Brown Booby
Week Seventeen: Dieter Dengler
Week Sixteen: New Jerusalem
Week Fifteen: Technological Singularity
Week Fourteen: Numbers Station
Week Thirteen: Culper Ring
Week Twelve: Mary Sue
Week Eleven: Byford dolphin diving bell accident
Week Ten: Deep-sea gigantism
Week Nine: Bloop
Week Eight: Rat king
Week Seven: Gustave Doré
Week Six: Tomorrow
Week Five: Borscht Belt
Week Four: Swampman
Week Three: Chinese room
Week Two: Ambrose Burnside
Week One:
Lolita fashion

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