Monday, June 23, 2008

And He Wrote to Completion

That's right, I finished something I started. What's that you speak of?, you ask. Oh, don't you remember. Certainly, little more than a writing exercise. I certainly never intend to produce. But first, a little description of this screenplay. It's melodramatic, sure. But it's sort of an anti-romantic comedy, see. There's the protagonist who is an asshole, the fact that the two leads may or may not end up together, and the less said about the mutual masturbation scene the better. I may post some excerpts. But I may do some extra revisions first.

Okay, so what's next?, you say. I'm going to finally write my short story "Dr. Pretorius." I've never read anything by Kathy Acker, but I can say with the utmost confidence that it will do for Bride of Frankenstein what Acker did for Great Expectations.

Good day, sir.

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Blogger justin said...

Actually, I'll probably finish this poem first that I started a while ago.

It's about a girl, wine, and Greek mythology, interestingly enough.

12:28 a.m.  

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