Friday, March 28, 2008


Clarifying my post from yesterday. Mexico, this shit sucks. While I'm not a fan of emo culture, I'm less a fan of hate. Non-ironic hate. And yeah, you know what? Comparing Mexico to the Nazis seems justifiable here. But lets not blame some non-entity Mexico*. Countries are concepts. This hateful violence was apparently organized by Mexicans, people, individuals, over the internet. There's no Hitler to blame here, just a whole lot of little Eichmanns. What is when everyone's following orders? Groupthink. Bystander effect. Genovese syndrome. Disgusting

*At no point am I ever referring to the government of Mexico. God, I'm going to need more and more clarification posts.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, you just wrote this as an excuse to use the phrase 'Little Eichmanns'.

7:26 p.m.  

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