Monday, April 07, 2008

Deer in the Headlights

So I walking home after an afternoon of buying books (stupid, sexy bookstores and their stupid, sexy books) and groceries, and as I'm waiting at some lights to cross the street, there's something so insane and inane involving an old man and a car. On the opposite crosswalk, as people cross the street a car waits to make a left turn. So this car starts to make the turn expecting the people crossing be where they are when he reaches that point instead of out of the way before he starts this turn (This Is Toronto, afterall, and Toronto driving). And bringing up the rear of people crossing the street is this senior citizen, already slow as his body has no doubt been ravaged by age and a sense of self-aggrandizement for being part of "The Greatest Generation." So he's sees this car turning, and he freezes. Like he's caught in the headlights. So this car is waiting to turn, blocking the oncoming lane (luckily no cars coming). And this old man just stands there (and he's not as decrepit as I've made him sound). Finally, he moves out the way, but come on? Caught in the headlights? Nevermind the fact that it's fifteen degrees out and sunny as hell. And he's wearing sunglasses.

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