Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Duelists: Aaron Burr

Aaron Burr lived from seventeen fifty-six until eighteen thirty-six and he was a politician of the United States. He was also war hero, adventurer, vice-president to Thomas Jefferson.

While vice-president, Aaron Burr's honour was offended by Alexander Hamilton, former first Secretary of the Treasury and current face of the ten dollar bill. Consequently, Burr shot Hamilton with a Wogdon dueling pistol with a hairpin trigger and mortally wounded him in the agreed upon duel. Hamilton had chosen the pistols. Aaron Burr fired true and he had his satisfaction that day. Alexander Hamilton died one day later.

The year was 1804.

In Media

Burr, Gore Vidal

Saturday Night Live, A Digital Short, "Lazy Sunday":
"You can call us Aaron Burr from the way we're dropping Hamiltons."

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