Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chapter Headings I: Catch-22

1. The Texan
2. Clevinger
3. Havermeyer
4. Doc Daneeka
5. Chief White Halfoat
6. Hungry Joe
7. McWatt
8. Lieutenant Schiesskopf
9. Major Major Major Major
10. Wintergreen
11. Captain Black
12. Bologna
13. Major ----- de Coverley
14. Kid Sampson
15. Piltchard & Wren
16. Luciana
17. The Soldier in White
18. The Soldier Who Saw Everything Twice
19. Colonel Cathcart
20. Corporal Whitcomb
21. General Dreedle
22. Milo the Mayor
23. Nately's Old Man
24. Milo
25. The Chaplain
26. Aarfy
27. Nurse Duckett
28. Dobbs
29. Peckem
30. Dunbar
31. Mrs. Daneeka
32. Yo-Yo's Roomies
33. Nately's Whore
34. Thanksgiving
35. Milo the Militant
36. The Cellar
37. General Schiesskopf
38. Kid Sister
39. The Eternal City
40. Catch-22
41. Snowden
42. Yossarian

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