Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I don't know consciously and realistically make resolutions. In fact, I don't even really believe in New Year's. It seems rather arbitrary. Just the same old passage of time. Out with the old year, in with the new year, a lot like the old year.

But I am on a certain path. One paved with an idea of constant self-improvement. And self-improvement is not just masturbation.

I think I can characterize 2007 as a year of loss. Loss in that I lost a lot of weight. Okay, maybe not actual weight loss, but I'm now just in better shape. Although, I did downgrade shirt sizes, from medium to small. Unless that's just a result of everyone else being relatively fatter and the industry making a secret pact to adjust sizes accordingly, lest we all shop at the Big & Tall Store.

Another improvement I seem to have made is I managed to read a lot more and consume other artistic entertainments as well. I see a lot (more) films in theatres now (plenty of "independent" films included) rather than discovering them on video. I actively hunt down new, credible music. Most importantly, I've read easily more than twenty books this year, which may not necessarily seem like a huge improvement but it feels like one. I don't usually count, though, so I can't be sure of any numbers, but did keep a listing of my summer reading. And that summer reading is likely the majority of my improvement.

So I'm further along down the road of my infinite self-improvement. It may be one giant infinite regress, but it still feels like progress. And thusly I will persevere and maybe that means I can do something about the fact that I'm still a bitter, misanthrope.

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