Friday, December 28, 2007

Music Review

Since I have written film and book reviews for this blog, I feel a certain obligation to tackle music as well. I enjoy music and it has become a large part of my life, as a pleasure. I listen to music everyday essentially. Yet, I don't have the ear for music like I do literature and film. So I can know what I like but I don't know that I can put into words why I like something or write something that convinces of some thing's quality.

Silly or sentimental or just meaningless lyrics won't detract a song for me. Yet, good lyrics will certainly enhance my enjoyment and make the experience of listening to a song more memorable. Mostly, in the music I listen to, I look for a particular sound that strikes me. This is to say nothing of genre. I listen to folk, pop, rock, country, hip hop, electronic, and anything else you may subdivide music into (I won't rally about my dislike for the ghettoizing that is genre classifications here).

That said, maybe a project I can put together for myself is the reading and assimilation of music criticism. I mean this 'blog' as a writing exercise, and such an endeavour would certainly be an exercise.

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