Monday, April 28, 2008

Man in the Mirror: Shameless

So I have this friend, let's call him Lions Can Maul. Yeah, I feel like I'm writing into Ann Landers or Dear Abby or Dan Savage. So Lions, he pretty much would like to fuck all his female friends. This is a fact.

At first thought, it was kind of despicable. I thought this, despite not having any morals of my own. Okay, that's not true, just not any traditional morals. But then you know I started to agree with it. For myself, that is. As the days go by, and the more and more female friends I make, and the ones I actively try be with friends with, are the ones I want to. I've resolved to be a horrible person, yes. But I'd rather be an interesting man than a kind man.

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Blogger justin said...

not obvious at all

10:27 p.m.  

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