Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Tell Only Fifty Percent of Your Jokes

How to Tell Only 50% of Your Jokes?

You have a set-up line designed to elicit a response. Like a knock, knock. Only not so obvious. This way there's no certainty you'll ever get your desired response. I do this all time. And am mostly disappointed.

Example 1: If I say "I think I fell down a hill," I don't want you to respond with "You fell down a hill?" Your response should be "You think?"

This method is mired in disappointment, though, and is only for the brave at heart. There will be rejection. There will be discarded punchlines. Do not fret, you will have to let them go. They belong to the ether, and the ether will reward you some other way.

Besides, they might not have elicited the laughs you might have thought. Which is kind of the point. I would rather tell the joke that makes the a couple of people in the room laugh than the one that makes the whole room laugh. That way I know who are the good people.

Example 2: If I say something gay, the response I'm looking for is along the lines of "your gay." This way I can tell my gay joke. Don't be all awkward and not respond at all.

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Blogger justin said...

And since I never got to tell my gay joke in the "real" world, here it is:

"Daddy, why are you and the other man rolling around naked?"
"We were just playing a... game."

God, I can't wait to be a parent.

[End joke]

3:52 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is that a joke? I guess I need to hear it in context... next time you say something gay I'm gonna straight up call you a cocksmoker and let the chips fall where they may.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is ruining my vocabulary... "straight up" and "cocksmoker"

12:25 a.m.  

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