Dedications: Franny and Zooey
As nearly as possible in the spirit of Matthew Salinger, age one, urging a luncheon companion to accept a cool lima bean, I urge my editor, mentor and (heaven help him) closest friend, William Shawn, genius domus of The New Yorker, lover of the long shot, protector of the unprolific, defender of the hopelessly flamboyant, most reasonably modest of born great artist-editors, to accept this pretty skimpy-looking book.
--J.D. Salinger in the dedication to Franny and Zooey.
And to think, that one-year-old would grow up to be Captain America.
Labels: captain america, dedication, j.d. salinger
"If there is an amateur reader still left in the world -- or anybody who just reads and runs -- I as him or her, with untellable affection and gratitude, to split the dedication of this book four ways with my wife and children."
Dedication to "Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenters and Seymore an Introduction", J.D. Salinger.
And to think that amateur reader would grow up to be me.
as = ask
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