Semantics: Kind v. Sort
A turn of phrase was stuck in my head? But I was missing some of the words. I knew what to do: a Google phrase search.
In goes "of motherfuckery is this." Out comes 7 results.
Six use "what kind of motherfuckery is this?"
One uses "what sort of motherfuckery is this?"
Sort or kind? Kind seems to be the consensus favourite. But what say you?
In goes "of motherfuckery is this." Out comes 7 results.
Six use "what kind of motherfuckery is this?"
One uses "what sort of motherfuckery is this?"
Sort or kind? Kind seems to be the consensus favourite. But what say you?
I vote for "kind". I would argue that a phrase of this kind/sort is only so meaningful as social consensus allows it to be anyways. If most agree that it's kind, then it is literally kind. Also, Amy Winehouse's song "Mr. Jones" uses "kind" in the line "What kind of fuckery is this?" For me, use of this turn of phrase -- in this incarnation -- in a pop song cements it.
I cant believe I lost 5-8 in the final. YOU made me miss the slick rick gig...
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