Friday, April 11, 2008

Mr. Kubrick's Gaze

From IMDb's trivia page for Robert Altman's McCabe & Mrs. Miller:

At the beginning of the film, there is a shot of McCabe lighting a cigarette before crossing the bridge. According to Robert Altman, Stanley Kubrick loved that shot and called him up asking him: "How did you know you had it?"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What's the best part of 'The Genius Defines'?"

"Why, the 'labels' of course."

"Yes. Of course."

*hruff hruff hruff*

A Short List of Why I Love the Labels:

- The very notion that one might need tags to better navigate a small personal blog.

- The fact that the agenda of the entire post is usually betrayed only by its labels.

- Hilarious.

2:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For anyone wondering just exactly what I'm talking about:

The post on how anonymous comments have been enabled for this blog is tagged with "anonymous" and "commentary"

2:07 p.m.  
Blogger justin said...

I wish I knew what you were talking about.

6:13 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I have an inkling...

9:53 p.m.  

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