Monday, February 04, 2008

Bloody Super Sunday

I don't have cable living in the 'Rhino. And yesterday was the Super Bowl. As such, I couldn't watch the Super Bowl. As a sort of methadone for my situation, I thought an injection of testosterone in the form of war movies could be the shit. So I watched Black Hawk Down and Jarhead. Now Black Hawk Down was worse than I remembered and Jarhead was better. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed both, but Black Hawk Down is like this action movie take on Modern Warfare, which I don't mean to make sound unappealing, was more style than substance. Jarhead, on the other hand, is essentially about the ennui of war. I.e. Soldiers in the suck, but not the shit. More will be forthcoming. (Also need to upload my entries for the days I've missed updating). Peace out.

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