Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Novel Idea IV

Something something something something:

The Collector: After a long weekend vacation, a group of four friends flip their car driving back and die. One of the four (The Collector) is confronted by a mysterious stranger (The Devil) just outside of the crash site. Luckily, he is able to make a deal with the devil, figuratively speaking, and trade his soul, literally speaking, to this mysterious stranger in return for their lives back just before all the crashing and dying. Later, our hero (The Collector) is able to hit on this girl he likes who was also in the car with this soul-selling fact ("You don't remember this, but..."). Anyway, after she rewards his heroism carnally, it turns out that he didn't sell his own soul to save their lives, but rather the highly-coveted and extremely rare soul of Robert Johnson which the protagonist (The Collector) had purchased at garage sale and which the Devil had long sought after losing it in a poker game.

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